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Select A New Community Service

Community Service Hours Guidelines



Current cycle runs from April 15 of the current school year to April 15 of the next school year. Current cycle means hours of community service completed within this time period.

1.     10 hours must be completed for each yearly cycle. 10 hours due April 15.

2.     All community service hours done during the summer are due the 1st day of the following school year. All other hours done throughout the school year are due within 2 weeks of completion.

3.     Non-compensated time (that which receives no grade, points or special recognition) donated in the community or school setting qualifies for hours.

4.     Hours are not retroactive. An activity done in the past may not be counted for current community service.

5.     Each service activity must be a minimum of 1 hour. Some service tasks can only be two hours maximum (Ex. Working at the pioneer picnic, cleaning projects, etc.) while others can be all 10 yearly hours for the same project (Ex. Senior culminating project). Calculating how many hours can be earned by a community service activity will be pre-arranged with the superintendent or designee.

6.     Service learning task must meet an actual community need. There must be a direct or Indirect benefit to the community. Helping paint your house is a “family chore" while participating in a neighborhood clean-up day, which involves painting, is a community need.

7.     Community service hours can be obtained by volunteering at the museum, getting involved with the fire district; helping in a nursing home, helping someone who cannot help themselves etc. etc.

8.     This must be a voluntary, non-paid activity and failure to complete hours requirement will result in the loss of a core credit.




       1.       Pick up Community Service Activity sheet.

       2.       Complete: Student name, the date of when the hours will be earned, duties   included, and name of the person supervising           the activity.

       3.      Get superintendent approval.

       4.      Complete the activity.

       5.       Have supervisor of activity complete: Total hours, time began and time ended, where activity took place, supervisor’s signature and position, and date of completion of activity.

       6.      Complete: Student signature.

       7.       Turn sheet into office for superintendent signature and date.